Thursday, February 3, 2011

James Boyle Joins Blue Asset Management

Charles Blumenkehl, managing partner at Blue Asset Management LLC, has announced that James Boyle, leadership coach and active Realtor in Essex County, has joined Blue Asset Management LLC as an asset manager for the company. James, a lifetime New Jersey resident, received his undergraduate degree at Montclair State University and earned his Masters degree at Seton Hall.

According to Charles Blumenkehl, managing partner at Blue Asset Management LLC, “James is a bright and dynamic personality who understands the business we’re in and is talented in those areas which help our systems flow.” Blumenkehl continued, “James is an excellent facilitator and communicator and has proven himself in a short time to be a valuable and effective member of our team.”

Blue Asset Management LLC is a buyer and seller of residential and commercial performing and non-performing mortgages and distressed real estate. It is a part of the Blumenkehl group of companies that own and manage real estate portfolios throughout New Jersey. For more information about Blue Asset Management LLC, James Boyle or Charles Blumenkehl, log onto the company website at or call the company directly at 973 835-1400.

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